Everyday cleaning & conditioning Belvoir Conditioning Soap CARR & DAY & MARTIN €8.76 In a different format, the traditional bar soap that conditions, protects and adds shine to leather. A pure and clear quality soap formulated with glycerin for regular use. Add to cart
Half pads BR Half Pad Memory Grip BR Bieman riding equipment 154009 €148.72 Black Brown This anatomically shaped half pad made of antibacterial synthetic suede if filled with memory foam and features a soft gel profile. The combination of soft gel and memory foam distributes the weight of saddle and rider very evenly across the horse's back. This reduces the risk of pressure on the spine and withers. Add to cart
Reins LEXHIS Leather Reins with Inner Rubber Lexhis 01049 €25.62 Black/ black Hazel/ white Add to cart
Reins QHP Web Rein Elastic QHP 2156 €17.31 Black These web reins feature an elastic insert close to the bit which softens the actions of the riders hand. For example, can be used with unexperienced riders with unsteady hands or young horses who need to trust the contact with the rider. Add to cart