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List of products by brand CARR & DAY & MARTIN

Carr & Day & Martin es la empresa más antigua del mundo dedicada a la fabricación de productos para el cuidado de caballos.

Global Leaders in Equine Care, Carr & Day & Martin is the olderst company originating in the UK which is involved in the production of horse care products. Their goal is to produce premium products which provide a complete care for horses and horse tack.

Their dedication can be seen in the Royal Warrant, which they carry since King George IV. CDM has been around since 1765 however it then started as Day & Martin. Later, in 1923 to be precise, it became known as Carr & Day & Martin. Carr & Day & Martin specializes in Leather, Coat, Hoof and Health care. With a passion for quality, Carr & Day & Martin has set the standard for pharmaceutical products for the horse. This standard, called GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), stands for the highest quality with qualified personnel.

Pferde offers a variety of Carr & Day & Martin products for the optimal care of your horse and your saddlery. The Dreamcoat Shine spray from Carr & Day & Martin provides the ultimate shining coat and an extra glossy effect. The popular Tack Conditioner Belvoir Step 1 cleans leather and removes dirt, grease and sweat. For the next step, use the Tack Conditioner Belvoir Step 2 to condition, protect and add shine to leather with coconut oil and glycerine. This makes your leather products soft and supple again. Both conditioners have a super practical spray cap.
